Interior Design courses from Home

1390 INTRODUCTION TO HOME DESIGN 3 hours [effective Spring 2015; formerly IDSN 2390] a needed course for interior design and basic FACS major. This course will include application of design fundamentals to primary issues of interior design. Lecture with studio assignments. Supplied: Fall, Spring.
2330 DIGITAL DESIGN 3 hours an optional course when it comes to interior design and FACS majors. This course is an introduction to numerous kinds of software used within the design sectors. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional software will likely to be explained, along with other forms of multimedia and electronic presentation programs. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
2365 INTRODUCTION TO CAD DRAFTING3 hours [effective Spring 2015; previously IDSN 3365] a needed training course for home design majors. AutoCAD instructions tend to be introduced through interior design and space planning exercises. Supplied: Fall, Spring.
2391 INTERIOR DECORATING STUDIO 3 hours a necessary training course when it comes to home design significant. A studio training course for research and application of design methodology to interior conditions. Studio. Prerequisite: IDSN 1390 with grade of C or better or permission of trainer. Provided: Fall, Spring.
2392 INTERIOR DESIGN DRAWING AND RENDERING 3 hours a needed training course for interior planning majors. A studio training course in news application when it comes to interior decorating procedure. Studio. Offered: Fall, Spring.
3300 HOME PLANNING 3 hours a required program for interior decorating and general FACS majors. The program includes a study of architectural styles, preparation of a home, and analysis of environmental and economic resources. Lecture/discussion. Offered: Fall, Spring.
3305 INSIDE LIGHTING AND CODES 3 hours a necessary program when it comes to home design significant. The course includes an evaluation and application of illumination requirements and rules necessary for development, problem solving, and space planning of interior areas. Lecture/discussion with studio programs. Provided: Fall, Spring.
3310 DESIGN COMMUNICATION 3 hours a needed training course for the interior decorating major. This course includes news and techniques of graphic interaction as an aid into interior design process. Studio. Necessity: IDSN 2391 with grade of C or better. Provided: Fall, Spring.
3315 RESIDENTIAL INTERIOR DECORATING 3 hours a necessary training course when it comes to interior planning major. The course includes advanced scientific studies in residential design designs, used advanced design methodology, and design interaction. Studio. Supplied Fall, Spring.
3320 ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING 3 hours [effective Spring 2015; previously IDSN 3375] a needed program for interior decorating majors. A continuation of AutoCAD instructions for home design and area preparation exercises. Provided: Fall, Spring.
3325 COMMERCIAL INTERIOR DECORATING 3 hours a required program for home design significant. The program includes studies in commercial and business furnishings choice and arrangement, fabrics, accessories, room circulation, price estimating, programming, post-occupancy assessment, and used visual communication. Studio. Provided: Fall, Spring.
3340 HISTORY OF INTERIORS, ARCHITECTURE, AND FURNITURE I 3 hours a required training course for home design majors. This course includes a relative evaluation of interiors, architecture and fixtures as related to the introduction of Western society (Ancient-Renaissance). Lecture. Provided: Fall, Spring
3341 HISTORY OF INTERIORS, ARCHITECTURE, AND FURNITURE II 3 hours a needed training course for interior decorating majors. The course includes a comparative study of this modern-day activity including interiors, design, furnitures, and developers (Early modern-day World-present). Lecture. Offered: Fall, Spring.
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