DIY Home Decor Wall Art

Spring has eventually sprung! I think it may took way too long because We kept forgetting to put away the very last of wintry decorations. I finally swapped the last of them recently in addition to hot temps got myself in the state of mind doing some Spring DIY Home Decorating. The wild birds outside no longer look like annoyed wild birds consequently they are cheerfully chirping in the lawn and so they were my determination because of this Bird Wall Art. It had been easy, inexpensive, and I love simply how much it brightens up my room for springtime!
- picture framework with cup removed
- card board size to fit the framework
- burlap
- acrylic paint and foam paint brush
- bird printing
- X-Acto Knife
- twigs
- glue and hot glue gun
- paint pen
Start by since the cardboard with burlap and securing it with hot glue. You can print it by hitting the photo below and selecting the printing alternative.
Print our bird print and make use of an X-Acto Knife to very carefully cut the bird out leaving you with a stencil for painting.
Position the stencil from the burlap and use the foam brush to carefully paint the bird on the burlap.
Enable the paint to dry entirely before continuing.
Once the paint is dry, use hot glue to install twigs into burlap and frame. You need to use old, dried twigs or fresh. I decided on fresh twigs with brand new sprouts in it. We attached a number of over the base after which included one to look as if the bird is sitting about it.
I utilized a silver paint pen to add the word “Spring” over the top. You might make use of page stencils or miss this but I liked what it included. I did the wording freehand to help keep it much more everyday.

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